2024 Ace Awards

2024 ACE Awards Nominations are now closed! 

The Aumentum Customer Excellence Awards (ACE Awards) (formerly Public Sector Champion Awards) are intended to recognize and honor the outstanding leaders across all products within our customer community. 

Congratulations again to our 2023 ACE Awards winners

Please review the nomination criteria categories below and fill out the Nomination Form with your contact information and description of the achievement by August 15 

Winners will be announced at Amplify 2024 in San Antonio. 

Please nominate within the following categories:

  • Jurisdiction of the Year
  • Excellence in Office Leadership
  • Excellence in Business Process Transformation
  • Excellence in Community Service
  • Excellence in Crisis Management
  • Jeff Watkins ACE Award for Excellence in Professional Services
  • Lisa Redding ACE Award for Excellence in Project Management
  • Shane Concepcion ACE Award For Excellence in Customer Service (for Aumentum Technologies staff)

Nominations will be reviewed and voted on by the evaluation committee. Winners will be announced at the Amplify Banquet. Winners and Nominators are not required to be present at Amplify.

Nomination Categories
Excellence in Business Process Transformation

Evaluation criteria:

  • How has implementing a new or unique business process transformed the way your nominee’s office functions day to day? How has this impacted their ability to service the community? Examples may include, but are not limited to, new process implementation, updated technology deployment or change management.
  • Applicants should demonstrate how increased levels of quality have been realized and list the business benefits. Include any key performance indicators to track results. Examples may include, but are not limited to, efficiency gains, resource savings or shortened processing times.
Excellence in Office Leadership

Evaluation criteria:

  • How has your nominated individual displayed high levels of leadership and accountability within their office in order to deliver excellence in servicing the community?
  • Applicants should demonstrate ways in which the individual has increased levels of quality or has improved community outreach within their office in the last year.
Excellence in Community Service

Evaluation criteria:

  • Do you know an Aumentum customer who is an outstanding member of your community, either as an office leader or a community leader? This person may have demonstrated tremendous dedication to an office, a social charitable group or a community board, such as for education or fire services. 
  • Applicants should describe the nominee’s cause: how long have they been a part of this cause, and what impact has this individual had? The more detailed, the better. As an example, any information about the impact and outcomes on affected individuals’ lives, or about any achievements that stemmed from the nominee’s efforts will be a help to the evaluation committee.
Excellence in Crisis Management

Evaluation criteria:

  • How has the nominee stepped up in a time of need to provide critical services and outreach to your community?
  • Applicants should describe a critical moment or event that impacted the community — for instance, a natural disaster, significant change in governance structures or a community response to a policy decision — and explain how the nominee effectively responded to and managed this crisis.
Jurisdiction of the Year

Evaluation criteria:

  • How has this jurisdiction overcome significant challenges or pioneered innovation to vastly improve services for its constituents? 
  • Applicants should describe how the jurisdiction demonstrated innovative leadership to overcome obstacles to better serve their community. 
Jeff Watkins ACE Award for Professional Services

Intended to honor an individual who helps navigate their jurisdiction through an implementation by: 

  • Promoting confidence in the state of the project
  • Demonstrating teamwork and true partnership
  • Maintaining a positive demeanor
  • Effective Change Management
  • Problem Solving
  • Bridging the gap between data and processes
Lisa Redding ACE Award for Project Management

Intended to honor either an Aumentum Technologies staff member or Jurisdiction staff member who demonstrates exemplary leadership skills to manage an event, project, or process by demonstrating the following behaviors:   

  • Promoting confidence in the state of the event, project, or process
  • Demonstrating teamwork and true partnership between groups to meet shared goals
  • Removing roadblocks to keep the event, project, or process on track
  • Maintaining a positive demeanor
  • Leading by example
  • Effective Change Management
  • Communicating effectively to stakeholders on the status, milestones, and deadlines for the project, event, or process
Shane Concepcion ACE Award For Excellence in Customer Service

Intended to honor an Aumentum Technologies staff member who goes above and beyond to meet customers' needs by demonstrating the following behaviors:

  • Being an advocate for the customer
  • Building professional relationships with customers
  • Collaborating with internal teams to meet shared goals
  • Maintaining a positive demeanor
  • Leading by example
  • Digging in to truly understand customers' processes